How to know if you’re ready for a social media manager

As a business owner you wear multiple hats. Keeping up with social media trends, taking content, writing captions and publishing the content takes up a lot of time. Here are a few things to think about to see if you’re ready to outsource your social media:

1. You find yourself spending more time creating content, writing captions, coming up with content ideas and managing your social media than working on the other parts of your business
2. You're feeling burnt out with social media
3. You feel like you aren't getting the results you want
4. You're experiencing low engagement and reach consistently each month
5. You don't have time to keep with with your accounts

If you're feeling any of these things maybe it's time to outsource your social media. Hiring someone with experience and proven results can help take your business to the next level. Social media is the most effective and cost efficient way to market your business, don't let your business miss out!


Q4 and your social media strategy


mistakes i see small businesses make on instagram