mistakes i see small businesses make on instagram

Instagram is always changing. And with these changes I see a lot of small businesses that don’t keep up with these changes or don't utilize a lot of features that Instagram has that would help them get more attention on their pages and more engagement. Here are a few of the mistakes that I see small businesses make on Instagram:

  1. Not optimizing the bio: As a small business you need to optimize your bio on Instagram! Add your location, a link, tell people what you do and have the name of the business on the profile.

  2. Not adding the location to each post: When you post a photo or reel on Instagram you have the option to add a location. I found for my clients, that adding the city and state is the best choice for location; rather than the name of the business.

  3. Not having good quality content: It's important if you sell products to have clear, good quality content so people are inclined to follow, engage and purchase from you. People are more attracted to a feed that has good quality and cohesive content.

  4. Leaving the Tik Tok logo on reels: Instagram has announced that they will not push content that is from Tik Tok. So to make sure your reels are being seen, go to SnapTik.com and remove the Tik Tok logo before uploading to Instagram.

  5. Not using proper hashtags: Using 8-15 hashtags are what seem to be working for lots of accounts. Some of those hashtags should be local and niche related. If you use a lot of hashtags that have millions on posts, your content will not be seen.

I hope these tips help you optimize your Instagram and help you get to the next level!


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