instagram seo tips

One of the ways to get your account noticed is by having your Instagram account optimized.

It will help people find you when searching, and new people discover you. With Instagram’s algorithm changing and the way people discover accounts, its important to make sure you’re taking every precaution to help get your account in front of your target audience.

How do you do this? Well, start by having keywords in your username and name. (Instagram recently changed how many characters you can have in your name! Take advantage!!!)

Update your bio! Have your location, a link and keywords in your bio to help people find your account and drive traffic to an external source. It can be another social media channel, a website or a digital product!

Add your location to your posts. When people are searching a specific location, your photos will come up if you tag where you are.

Instagram is becoming harder to understand if you’re at the place in your business to outsource; I highly recommend it. As an entrepreneur you wear many hats, and spending many hours each week making content, researching trends or figuring out the new algorithm can take up many hours that you could be spending doing what you love in your business. If you’re interested in what a social media manager can do for you, fill out my free discovery call form and let’s chat!


mistakes i see small businesses make on instagram